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Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Regions to Assign Users, Store Locations and Offers

Why would I need to create regions?

If you have many store locations you will be able to assign offers to a region instead of to each individual location. You may also want to assign a manager to a region and s/he will be the regional manager for all the stores assigned to that region.

Step 1: Navigate to Regions

  • Log in to your CloseDeal merchant account.
  • Go to the “Regions” section in the dashboard.

Step 2: Create a New Region

  • Click on the “Create New Region” button to start setting up a new region.
  • Name: Enter a name for the region. This should reflect the geographic area or group of stores it represents.
    • Example: “Northwest Region”
  • Description: Provide a brief description of the region.
    • Example: “Covers all stores located in the Northwest area, including cities such as Seattle, Portland, and Spokane.”
  • Save Region: Click on the “Save” button to finalize the creation of the region.

Step 3: Associate Store Locations to the Region

  • After creating the region, go back to the “Store Locations” section.
  • Edit each store location you want to associate with the new region.
  • In the store location settings, select the appropriate region from the dropdown menu.
  • Save the changes for each store location.

Step 4: Assign a Regional Manager

  • Go to the “Users” section in the dashboard.
  • Click on the “Add User” or “Create New User” button to add a regional manager.
  • User Information:
    • Name: Enter the full name of the manager.
    • Email: Provide the manager’s email address.
    • Phone Number: Enter the manager’s contact phone number.
  • Role: Assign the role of “Regional Manager” to this user.
  • Region: Select the region that this manager will oversee from the dropdown menu.
  • Store Locations: Optionally, select the specific store locations that are under this manager’s jurisdiction if needed.
  • Invite Check the box at the top right corner and the user will receive the information to install the Merchant App and sign in to the account.
  • Save User: Click on the “Save” button to finalize the manager’s information and role assignment.

Step 5: Create Offers for Regions or Individual Stores

  • Go to “My Offers” or in the Dashboard tap the + beside “Offers”.
  • Choose to create a new offer.
  • In the Choose Store section: select whether the offer applies to individual stores and/or regions.
    • For region-wide offers, select the appropriate region from the dropdown menu.
    • For store-specific offers, select the individual store location(s).
  • Complete Offer Details: Fill out the offer details, such as title, description, discount, validity period, and any other relevant information.
  • Set the offer Online or offline as desired.
  • Save Offer: Click on the “Save” button to finalize the offer.
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